Thursday, October 10, 2013

How to Decide if You Need to Hire a Lawyer

Many problems do have a legal dimension and require a lawyer's help. The following questions and answers provide guidance.

These tips come from the American Bar Association and are a great way to see if you need to contact a lawyer.

Are there specific cases when I should see a lawyer?

Yes, some matters are best handled by a lawyer. Nearly everyone agrees that you should talk with a lawyer about major life events or changes. Some examples might include:
  1. being arrested for a crime;
  2. being served with documents related to a legal proceeding or lawsuit;
  3. being involved in a serious accident causing personal injury or property damage;
  4. a change or pending change in family status, such as divorce, birth, adoption, or death;
  5. a change or pending change in financial status, such as filing for bankruptcy or getting or losing valuable personal property or real estate.

I am thinking about just saving my money up and then contacting a lawyer, is this the best way to approach it?

No. An ounce of prevention is worth many dollars and anxious hours of cure. Once you have determined that you need professional legal help, get it promptly. You can get the most help if you are in touch with a lawyer as soon as possible.

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